Quiet. Clean. Peaceful. Effective. Restorative.


  • Swedish. Relaxation Massage.

    Swedish massage is the most well-known and familiar massage with long flowing, gliding, and relaxing sweeps of pressure towards the heart. This massage is a soft to medium pressure stroke and kneading massage for relaxation, rejuvenation, mood enhancement, and soreness reduction. We include this massage for people who suffer from conditions where a person cannot tolerate much pressure. The therapist can incorporate tapping and vibration for an invigorating lift.

    30 minutes - $64.00

    60 Minutes - $94.00

    90 Minutes- $154.00

  • Orthopedic/Therapeutic. (Self-Prescribed)

    Orthopedic/Medical massage uses a combination of modalities that help reduce stress, relieve pain, and especially work on specific problems—such as a frozen shoulder, misaligned pelvis or TMJ (Jaw Pain), and much more. Orthopedic/Medical massage is different than deep tissue massage in that people assume that they will get a firm, deep-pressured massage. A good therapist will apply specific techniques and the right amount of pressure and stretches to address the client’s needs, and sometimes that’s a lighter touch. We work with self-care clients as well as visits that are doctor prescribed. (Please call in for doctor-prescribed contracts and rates.)

    30 minutes - $74.00

    60 Minutes - $104.00

    90 Minutes- $164.00

  • Deep Tissue.

    2 hour minimum requirement for a complete treatment.

    True deep tissue massage involves preparing and warming muscles and the superficial fascia with soft to medium tissue manipulations before applying stronger pressure. To effectively reach deep tissues/muscles, the 1st hour is used to warm, relax and soften the muscles. The 2nd hour is used to reach and treat the deeper muscles and tense fascia with slow strong sweeps of pressure and compressions. This massage includes stretches. Deep tissue massage is great at breaking down scar tissue and getting your blood circulating. A knowledgeable massage therapist will be able to let you know if deep tissue is right for you.

    120 minutes - $194.00

  • Pre-Natal.

    Pregnancy is a beautiful time, but it can be tough on the body, accompanied by unexpected tiredness and soreness in different areas.

    After the first trimester, to reduce any risks, prenatal massage is a safe and effective way for pregnant women to enjoy the benefits of a massage to address body inflammation and stiff muscles. Our client lays on one side and receives gentle relaxation through mild pressure massage for a treatment lasting up to 60 minutes.

    30 minutes - $64.00

    60 Minutes - $94.00

  • Lymphatic -MLD.

    Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a feather light and gentle rhythmic pumping technique that moves lymph fluid through the lymphatic system when it is sluggish. This technique performed by a Lymphatic trained therapist is more frequently used after surgery, illness, or injury in order to keep lymph fluid from stagnating so toxins can leave the body naturally.

    30 Minutes - $64.00

    60 Minutes - $94.00

  • Core Correction.

    Up to 2 hours for a complete treatment.

    Core Correction massage is a very soothing and effective technique that loosens up the deep lateral abdominal muscles necessary for optimal movement and full body range of motion. This technique can bring relief to conditions of pain and stiffness, as in rounded shoulders, stiff neck and even carpal tunnel syndrome. After an assessment, a Medical Massage Practitioner can suggest if this technique is right for you.

    90 to 120 minutes - $245.00

  • Orthopedic/Therapeutic/Medical. (Doctor Prescribed*)

    Medical Insurance for personal injury, worker’s compensation, or special cases like Veterans are billed according to units. A unit is considered a section of the body: Head and neck, upper extremities, torso, and lower extremities. We provide 15 minutes per unit up to 4 units in one session, or according to a contract. It is best to first call your insurance company or provider to find out if your insurance covers medical massage, and what your copay would be. Physician’s Diagnosis Required.*

  • Oncology Massage.

    Integrative treatment for cancer can include massage, also known as an oncology massage. We use a light gentle touch with slow and steady movements to help the body relax. Oncology massage can also assist in relief of pain, fatigue, nausea, and anxiety. We avoid deep tissue pressure during cancer treatment, which can contribute to soreness, fatigue and break down of skin.

    Before beginning treatments, there is a consultation and a full client assessment to discuss benefits and contraindications.

    30 Minutes - $64.00

    60 Minutes - $94.00

    90 Minutes - $154.00

  • Integra-Core Revitalization.

    Our "Integra-Core Revitalization" service is a comprehensive and clinically advanced massage experience that synergizes elements from Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), Core Correction, Cranial Sacral, and Therapeutic Massage.

    Our Integra-Core Revitalization begins with feather-light Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), gently reinvigorating your lymphatic system. Complementing this, delicate head and neck cradling techniques, reminiscent of cranial-sacral treatments, calm your nervous system. This combination of techniques ensures the smooth flow of lymph fluid, facilitating the natural removal of toxins from your body, and calming of your nervous system. As the treatment progresses, we seamlessly transition to more invigorating techniques. Soft rocking, core correction techniques that gently release deep lateral abdominal muscles, promote optimal movement and enhance overall range of motion. This soothing phase sets the stage for a personalized experience tailored to your unique requirements, encompassing the ideal balance of pressure and stretches to promote your overall well-being.

    60 Minutes - $160.00

  • Special Discounts*

    • First Responders,

    • Seniors 60+ Plus

    • Students

    • Call and ask us about packages for groups.

      • *I.D. Required.